Rotary Youth Exchange Students

The Washington Rotary club is proud to support this program. Rotarians of the community can volunteer their families to accept an international student into their home for a school year. These students are encouraged to engage themselves into the community and school as they grow and learn. While these students must follow proper rules and edicate while abroad, they become vital members of the families. Students of the Washington Community can also travel the world engaging with different communities and cultures. It has gave rise to many great leaders and strong friendships.
If you are interested in hearing more, please contact the Washington Rotary Club.

Washington Rotary Club’s 2023-2024 International Student

Giuseppe Morreale

Giuseppe Morreale

Sciacca, Sicily, Italy | St. Francis Borgia

We’d like you to meet Giuseppe Morreale, our Rotary club’s exchange student from Sciacca, Sicily. He will stay with our club member Rebecca Guzy’s family at their home until May while he attends St Francis Borgia.