Thank you for a wonderful year!

We have hit our goal of 1,000 Tickets!

  • 1,000 of 1,000 tickets sold 100% 100%

2024 Car Raffle Results


Winners of the 24th Annual Bill Kluesner Memorial Car Raffle:

1st – Gerald J. Coopen – Orland Park, IL (not pictured)

2nd – JoAnn Heeger – Union, MO (right)

3rd – Leisa Mayer, accepting for her husband Roscoe – Washington, MO (left)

Early-bird – Clayton Kuhn – St. Louis, MO (not pictured)


The maximum of 1,000 tickets were sold for this year’s raffle.

2023 Car Raffle Results


Winners of the 23rd Annual Bill Kluesner Memorial Car Raffle:

Grand Prize – Lynn Chepely, Villa Ridge, MO

Second Prize – Jacob Dobsch – Washington, MO

Third Prize – Jamie Ince, Labadie, MO

Early-bird – Margaret & Roger Warren – Washington, MO


The maximum of 1,000 tickets were sold for this year’s raffle.

Margaret and Roger Warren accept a check from Justin Sincox July 13 during the Washington Rotary Club’s weekly meeting. The Warrens won $1,000 after being picked during the early bird drawing for the Bill Kluesner Memorial Car Raffle. Pictured, from left, are Sharon Monzyk, Gary Warren, Margaret Warren, Roger Warren, Justin Sincox and Steve Underwood.

Missourian Photo/Julia Hansen.

2022 Car Raffle Results


Winners of the 22nd Annual Bill Kluesner Memorial Car Raffle:

Grand Prize – Elise Homeyer – Marthasville, MO

Second Prize – Steve Strubberg – Washington, MO

Third Prize – Melissa Wurdack – Washington, MO

Early-bird – Arlyn Gustafson – Gillette, WY


A total of 848 tickets were sold for this years raffle.

Winners of the Washington Rotary Club’s 22nd Annual Bill Kluesner Memorial Car Raffle gathered with Rotary members Aug. 25 for a check presentation. The grand prize winners were Elise and Herb Homeyer, front row center, whos winning ticket was sold by Mike Hoelscher and earned them $25,000. Second place, earning $1,000, was Steve Strubberg, front row second from left, and third place, earning $500, was Melissa Wurdack, front row second from right. 

Missourian Photo/Julia Hansen.

20th Annual Bill Kluenser Memorial Rotary Car Raffle


Winners of the 20th Annual Rotary Bill Kluesner Memorial Car Raffle for 2020! (L to R)
  • Second Row: Jerry Wallach of Washington winner of $1,000,
Bill Haag (blue mask) of Moore Gear from Hermann Mo. winner of $500.00.
  • Third Row: Rotarians Elda Seener, Josh Brinker, Joe Schneider. Vic Hoerstkamp (checkered mask) from Washington Mo. won the Early Bird Drawing for $1,000.
  • Back Row: Brent Kluesner , Rotarian and son of the late Bill Kluesner and Donna Klott, President of the Washington Rotary Club. All winners have been long time supporters of the Rotary Annual Car Raffle.

We sold 778 tickets and we want to thank our supporters! We couldn’t do it without you!

19th Annual Bill Kluesner Memorial Rotary Car Raffle

The Washington Rotary Club held its 19th Annual Bill Kluesner Memorial Car Raffle drawing at the Washington Town and Country Fair on Sunday, August 11th.

1st Place Winner of $25,000 was Dave Frick from Washington, 2nd Place of $1,000 was Jenny Hartman from Washington, and 3rd Place of $500 was Keith Kamer from Vanceburg, KY. Accepting the checks, left to right Dave Frick and wife Cindy, presenting the checks Rotary President Dr. Greg Potts, Jim Hartman, husband of Jenny Hartman, accepting check.

Rotarians Bill Schuck, Curt Holzem, Sam Farrell, District Governor John Vietmeier, Spencer Nothum, Steve Sullentrup, President Elect Donna Klott, Car Raffle Chairperson Sharon Monzyk, Kris Feldmann, Elda Seener, Steve Underwood, Car Raffle Co-Chair Sandy Anderson, Steve Forget, Sherry Norvell, Dennis Kramme and Fr. Joe Wormek. Profits from the car raffle supports local community improvements like the Riverfront Trial.

Winner of the Washington Rotary Club 19th Annual Bill Kluesner Memorial Car Raffle Early Bird Drawing on July 11th was Ed Chwascinski from Washington, MO

Ed and wife Louise pictured; presenting the $1,000 check is Rotary President Dr. Greg Potts and other Rotarians.

The Washington Rotary Club has 1,000 available tickets, $100 each with 613 tickets sold as of July 25th. Proceeds benefit the future improvements in our Community. Drawing is on August 11th, at 6:00 PM at the Washington Town and Country Fair. First Prize towards a NEW vehicle of your choice at Modern Auto in Washington, MO or $25,000 in cash, 2nd prize $1,000 and 3rd $500. Tickets can be purchased below or you can call 636-392-2353.

Our 2018 Winners

First Prize – Nicholus W. Solter from Columbia, MO
Second Prize – Jolyn Maune from Villa Ridge, MO
Third Prize – Mark Tobben from Washington, MO

The Washington Rotary Club 2018 Car Raffle winner Nicholas Solter accepted the keys to his new 2018 Chevy Camaro SS purchased at Modern Auto Company in Washington, MO.

2nd prize for $1,000 is Rotarian Jolyn Maune from Villa Ridge, Mo (not shown) and 3rd prize for $500 is Dr. Mark Tobben from Washington, Mo. Rotarian Curt Holzem sold Dr. Tobben his ticket.

Seated from left to right, Nicholas Solter, Sharon Monzyk Rotary Car Raffle Chariperson and Dr. Mark Tobben. Second row is Ruffas Solter, grandfather of Nicholas, Rick Solter, father of Nicholas, Jim Feltmann from Modern Auto, Fritzi Alferman, Pregnancy Assistance Center, Liza Tobben, wife of Mark Toben and Rotariain Curt Holzem. Also shown is President Michelle Stone and other Rotary club members.

Thank you to everyone that purchased tickets. A total of 836 tickets were sold. The proceeds from this Car Raffle stays in the Community by donations to many charitable organizations, schools, annual Rotary Senior Trail Day and improvements with the Washington Parks Department like the new west extension of the Rotary Riverfront Trail.

The 3rd Place winners of the annual Washington Rotary Car Raffle, Dr. Mark and Liza Tobben donated their $500 prize to the Pregnancy Assistance Center in Washington. Shown is Dr. Mark Tobben, Fritizi Alferman, Director of the Pregnancy Assistance Center and Liza Tobben.

The Pregnancy Assistance Center is located at 310 International Ave in Washington. The center has been in operation for over 40 years and has 40 volunteers. It is a Family Planning and Alternative Center that offers classes and a large variety of care items for area families in need.



See our history of past winners

How It All Started

In 2000, President, Debbie Door was approached by the Washington Athletic Association to help support the construction of a concession stand for the soccer fields. Searching for fund raising ideas, by working with Rotarians Steve Sullentrup and Bill Kluesner, they heard about a car raffle the Warrenton Rotary Club had previous done successfully.

Steve and Bill enjoyed Corvettes and had the idea to purchase a corvette directly from a corvette dealer and raffle off the corvette to raise funds for the concessions stand. Road trips to Kansas City and Kentucky were made by Steve, Bill and Dave Frick from 2000 to 2006, searching for that perfect affordable Corvette.

Dennis Mutert, the first car winner in 2001, with Rotarians Steve Sullentrup and Arnie Sallaberry.

August 2001, 1st year sales of 916 tickets were sold. The success of this car raffle covered 50% of the $80,000 cost of the concessions stand. Overall cost of the concession stand was very low due to the strong labor support given by members of the Washington Rotary Club. Many of these tickets were sold by Rotarian, Bill Kluesner.

In September 2003, Rotarian Bill Kluesner passed away. Since Bill was so supportive of the car raffle and sold many tickets, the name of the Car Raffle was changed to the Annual Bill Kluesner Memorial Car Raffle.

Donations from the all car raffles have been given to the Washington Parks Department for other improvements like the playground equipment with rubber base for the High Street Playground and support for the Rotary Riverfront Trail.

Starting in 2007, because the cost to purchase the Corvettes became more expensive and there was concerns that we could not offer any warranties, the Rotary Club started working with John Feltmann from Modern Auto for the purchase of an new vehicle with a value up to $32,500 or the current cash prize of $25,000. This is the Washington Rotary Club’s largest fund raiser. Funds received from this raffle stay in the community.